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Effective Tcl/Tk Programming: Writing Better Programs with Tcl and Tk by Mark Harrison, Michael McLennan
Effective Tcl/Tk Programming: Writing Better Programs with Tcl and Tk Mark Harrison, Michael McLennan ebook
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
Format: djvu
ISBN: 0201634740, 9780201634747
Page: 414
These features are extended by a large .. 6.The candidates should have prior knowledge in writing software code. Title Author Comments; Tcl and The Tk Toolkit John K. My current research interests are mainly in Applied Statistics, but I also work as system manager, net manager, web developer and programmer (C, C++, FORTRAN, Php, Tcl/Tk). Data handling and storage facility; operators for calculations on arrays and matrices; a large set of tools for data analysis; graphical facilities for data analysis and display; a well-developed, simple, and effective programming language. Newly updated with over 150 pages of material on the latest Tcl extensions, Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide is a unique practical tutorial for professional programmers and beginners alike. Keep in mind here that when I talk about things written in C, that list includes a massive array of programs and systems, including many modern kernels, such as Windows and Linux. B.E./M.E./PhD in Computer Science/ECE/EEE or related. I also have a fair Eventually, I'd seen and at least dabbled with things like Tcl/Tk, Perl (although I learned that at CERN), Python, and Java (which obviously wasn't Free Software at the time). Starting with a clear picture of the basics, Tcl/Tk covers the variety of tools in this “Swiss army knife” of programming languages, giving you the ability to enhance your programs, extend your application's capabilities, and become a more effective programmer. Paul Boddie: I'm writing applications that access and combine databases in the bioinformatics domain, although I also have an ongoing project dealing with the text-mining of biological and medical literature to extract gene and protein-related information. 4.Able to converse effectively in English. Before I delve into the above . 3.Knowledge of modern software engineering concepts. Strong programming/working knowledge of VC++/C/C++, SKILL, Perl, Tcl-TK programming on UNIX (HP-UX, Solaris) /Linux and Windows development environments. These all remain true today, and I will expand on each of them in hopes of illuminating our position with Tcl and iRules, and why the Perl lover in me was, and is to this day, convinced that we made the right choice. "Effective Tcl/Tk Programming : Writing Better Programs in Tcl and Tk (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series) ; by Mark Harrison, Michael J.